About the Business
Our high standards are evident in a number of areas - academic, sporting, artistic, cultural and behaviour. We will never compromise on these high standards - and we will commit ourselves to helping our children to be the best they can be. In the last eight years our examination results have risen from 31% of pupils getting 5A* - C grades to a record 99.4%. This makes us the most successful school in Dudley and one of the top 100 most improved schools nationally. Our number of A* grades has trebled and our A grades have more than doubled as well. Our 5A* - C (including English and Maths) now stands at 80.1%, making us arguably the most successful comprehensive in the whole of the Black Country. Ofsted, at its most recent inspection in November 2012, decided that in all areas the school is 'outstanding'. However, I would like to stress that, while we are pleased with what we have done, we have not exhausted our ambition - we can, and will, do even better.
Location & Hours

Stickley Lane