About the Business
Every student at the college is automatically a part of MidKent College Students' Union (MKCSU) - our award-winning Students' Union - and can access the wide range of services and activities the Union runs, from our popular Glee Club and sporting events to our LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) student support group. The Students' Union is there to promote your interests and welfare and there will always be a member of the Union who you can approach with any issues, suggestions or comments.
The Union is student led, with elected officers who are there to represent you and your views. Through the elected student officers and professional staff, the Union's main purpose is to work with the College to make the experience even better for all students at MidKent College. We do this through representation on the College Governing Body, through running the Student rep system and campaign on the issues that affect you.
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