About the Business
Welcome to Thomas Knyvett College, one of the most improved comprehensive schools in the country and in the county of Surrey having achieved 60% of Year 11 students gaining 5 or more A*-C grades including English and Maths in summer 2014 and 78% achieving 5 or more A*-C overall. Judged, for the third time, by Ofsted in December 2013 as providing 'good' teaching and learning, we are justly proud of The Howard brand. Our high quality, professional staff are dedicated to "bringing out the best" in all our students through a personalised approach, enabling them to achieve more than they ever thought they could. This website is designed to give the most relevant information for you whether you are looking for a secondary school place for your son or daughter, or you wish to find out more about The Howard Partnership and its services on offer, or perhaps consider becoming a member of staff. Therefore, the content on our growing website, like our learning community, is ever evolving.
Location & Hours

Stanwell Road